
Adobe Experience Makers Live Adobe

The challenge

Experience Makers Live is Adobe’s annual inspiration moment towards partners & customers. The event serves as a platform to tell a holistic Adobe story on the future of Customer Experience and help shape the dialogue with all kinds of marketing experts and stakeholders, showing Adobe’s thought leadership and strengthening relationships. The challenge was to let our audience engage with Adobe’s offering and people and see Adobe as their trusted partner and advisor in their journey. 

The approach

The approach was to create a highly inspirational and integrated event experience. The creative concept ‘Progress Your Way’ centered around  the thought that every moment is an opportunity to gain competitive advantage. On every scale. No matter where Adobe’s audiences are in their journey - whether they’re just getting started, or equipped with more resources - the magic really starts to happen when everything is connected. With a personalized programme based on the audiences’ maturity level and interest, we showcased best-in-class examples and insights, hosted hands-on and practical workshops and many different masterclass break-outs. A personalized and tailored programme, so guests could progress the way they felt fit.

The result

With 500+ B- and C-level marketing professionals (ranging from partners to customers) attending Experience Makers Live, the turn-up was higher than initially expected. In the immersive and impressive Theater Amsterdam, guests listened to inspiring keynotes from Adidas, Adobe, Colruyt and many more, explored different breakout sessions with top-notch industry speakers, experienced Adobe AI-technology in a fun and interactive way and enjoyed a great evening with music and networking.